Post Date:2020.09.29
2020.9.29. We have published a paper as shown below.
2020.9.29. We have published a paper as shown below.
Kosaka A, Suemoto H, Singkaravanit-Ogawa S, and Takano Y. Plant defensin expression triggered by fungal pathogen invasion depends on EDR1 protein kinase and ORA59 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2020) Plant Signaling & Behavior, 28:1823120.
Post Date:2020.09.01
2020.9.1. We have published a paper as shown below.
2020.9.1. We have published a paper as shown below.
Kato H, Onai K, Abe A, Shimizu M, Takagi H, Tateda C, Utsushi H, Singkarabanit-Ogawa S, Kitakura S, Ono E, Zipfel C, Takano Y, Ishiura M, and Terauchi R. Lumi-Map, a real-time luciferase bioluminescence screen of mutants combined with MutMap, reveals Arabidopsis genes involved in PAMP-triggered immunity. (2020) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, MPMI05200118TA. Online ahead of print.
Post Date:2020.08.18
2020.8.18. We have published a paper as shown below.
2020.8.18. We have published a paper as shown below.
Ono E, Mise K, and Takano Y. RLP23 is required for Arabidopsis immunity against the grey mould pathogen Botrytis cinerea. (2020) Scientic Reports, 10:13798.
Post Date:2019.11.12
2019.11.12. We published paper as shown below.
2019.11.12. We published paper as shown below.
Shimada TL, Shimada T, Okazaki Y, Higashi Y, Saito K, Kuwata K, Oyama K, Kato M, Ueda H, Nakano A, Ueda T, Takano Y, and Hara-Nishimura I. HIGH STEROL ESTER 1 is a key factor in plant sterol homeostasis. (2019) Nature Plants, 5:1154-1166.
Post Date:2019.08.14
2019.8.14. We published a paper as shown below.
2019.8.14. We published a paper as shown below.
Kosaka A*, Piślewska-Bednarek M*, López G, Frerigmann H, Kułak K, Glawischnig E, Molina A, Takano Y, and Bednarek P. The role of CYP71A12 monooxygenase in pathogen-triggered tryptophan metabolism and Arabidopsis. (2019) New Phytologist, in press.
*These authors equally contributed to this work.